Sunday, 09 February 2025 - 08:22 pm
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Garage Door Springs

Questions and Answers

Replace garage door springs?
I have an old wooden lift garage door. It is hard to lift and doesn’t stay up. There are two springs on each side. If I replace both springs, will that solve the problem? If so, how do I find the right spring replacement?

Posted IM

Admin: Sounds like you have extension springs. You have to change them with tih door up and put a vice grip on the track under the bottom roller to hold the door up. If your springs are old they should be replaced. The springs are color coded for the proper weight of the door.


Do I need more than a garage door spring?
I had a garage door spring snap months ago but didn’t replace it due to lack of money. The garage worked with one spring until yesterday. If I try to open it automatically it doesn’t move at all. I can open and close it by hand but it is very heavy. Does it sound like replacing the spring will get the garage working again or is something else wrong?

Posted Rio

Admin: If your opener had been set up properly it would not have been able to lift your door with a broken spring. Not only is it a safety issue but broken springs are the #1 cause of opener failure. The added weight due to the broken spring does severe damage to your opener so it’s best to replace the spring now to prevent added expense later. Be sure to replace both springs, springs have a rather predictable life cycle and if one broke the other is not far behind.

This is not a do it yourself job, contact a good garage door company and they set you up properly.